Popular actor and filmmaker, Kiki Bakare has taken to his official social media handle to share lovely moments with his lover, Becky in the United Kingdom. In a video, Kiki was spotted grooving for the camera until his wife spoilt his show by giving him his baby to carry. It was such a beautiful moment and so lovely to watch.
His caption reads, “Na wa o. Someone can’t even do small Tiktok in peace again? Becky, you will hear from my Lawyer”. They are a young couple and are just starting life. It’s amazing to see them bond after welcoming their first child together in London 5 days ago.
This beautiful video sparked reactions online as fans and celebrities gushed over them. Top celebrities like Yetunde Barnabas, Femi Adebayo, Salami Rotimi, Kemity, Joseph Momodu, and Omolara Kasali sent laughter and love emojis.
Actress, Motola The actor said, “Abeg carry Jason and go and change his diapers”. A fan said, “Newest dad in town”.
Kiki Bakare is a renowned actor, filmmaker, producer, model, brand ambassador, and brand influencer with 196,000 Instagram followers. He was born on the 14th of May in the 1990s and is a native of Lagos. Kiki bagged a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Lagos and later went for a master’s degree in Business Administration.
He’s one of the hottest actors in the Yoruba movie industry. Kiki has starred in scores of movies playing lead roles in all. He’s well known for playing lover-boy roles and is a good role interpreter. Kiki produced a new movie, SOJ, and is set for another movie production titled, Danladi.
The handsome actor has received several accolades and awards for his exceptional performances in the movie industry. On November 15, 2022, he won Best Lead Actor In A Movie at Yoruba Movie Gist Awards and has also graced the cover of top magazines like The Celebrity Shoot and The Vogue.